Monday, March 3, 2008

Warm Weather Reckoning

There's no doubt that it's easier to run when the weather is nice. Today, we got a preview of spring here in NYC. The runs on these days are always somewhat nicer, although it comes with a catch: lots of people come out to run who haven't been so active the last few months. Tonight, I easily accelerated around dozens of people. By the back half of the park, I felt like I must be running at an incredible clip. Maybe that solid 20-mile run Saturday helped me turn the corner. Or could it be using the chocolate milk as a recovery drink? My visions of Pre were dashed when I made the turn at 100th Street, where I get the best read on the five-mile loop of my 6.2 mile run. Only problem: my watch said I ran the five in 35:30, or a 7:06 pace. Not bad, yet not exactly earth-shattering. I feel like I have too many similar runs, right around 7:05-7:10. That's quick, no doubt, but I don't see doing 26 miles of 6:50 with that as a base. Maybe it's time to reassess how I'm going about this.

6.2 miles, 43:11

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