Thursday, August 6, 2009

Wow, Ironman Isn't for the Poor

On a lark, I checked out the Coeur d'Alene Ironman, held next June. I couldn't really imagine doing an Ironman, but then I used to say the same thing about a marathon. Pretty much anything is possible, I figure, so long as your choice is finishing or risking embarrassment. In any case, the race is nearly sold out. The entry fee: $550. Really? Marathons are like $80. I think the triathlon I just did was $120. I paid like $20 to do a 50k in Brooklyn -- and it came with a post-race pizza party. $550 is a whole lot of money, isn't it? Then again, the thing would probably take me 11 hours, so it's like $50 an hour. I'm sure there's a good reason for the pricing with the infrastructure needed to run such a long race. Still, it's pretty eye opening. It says something about triathlons overall. The demographics are so high end. Even the Ironman has an "executive challenge series." Alas. That's a reason why, if we're talking about endurance stuff, my heart is with the ultramarathons, which tend to attract more weirdos than corporate bigwigs.


Kim said...

Oh, we're not weirdos. But we do get more bag for our buck. I think, when I signed up for the Burning River 100, it was 150. So that's 1.50 per mile! Pretty cheap!!

reegan said...

It's also a supply/demand issue. I volunteered, then slept in line to plop down 550 to do Lake Placid next year. It sold out an hour or so later...crazy.

NYT did a piece on this phenomenon last year: