Thursday, May 31, 2007

Next Step

While it's only been about 10 days since The Crumple, I'm anxious to figure out what's next. I'm torn. On the one hand, I feel like I'm ready for something different, something like a 50-mile race. Comrades has always been my goal, but the JFK 50 would be a perfect stepping stone to dealing with KwaZuluNatal. This would mean running a lot, yes, but also running slower. There's no way I could run the same pace for so many miles. But I do still want to run a fast marathon. Maybe breaking 3 hours is out of the question, at least it feels that way now, but I haven't run a truly fast marathon since Philadelphia in 2005. Perhaps complicating matters more, I decided at the last minute today to register for the New York City Marathon lottery. I haven't run NY since 2003, when I edged out both Stroh of Arabia and Diddy without the help of paramedics. If I do run the JFK, I could probably still do NY as a training run. Crazy to think about the NYC Marathon as a training run.

4.5 miles, 36:04


Anonymous said...

Step it up and break 3.

Anonymous said...

Hey "Anonymous", beat it and don't come back.