Friday, June 8, 2007

Tackling Death Valley

The season of the crazy ultras is upon us. After Comrades next weekend, there's Badwater in a month, the 135-mile run through Death Valley. While I'd like to do Comrades, 135 in DV doesn't seem like fun. The Star-Telegram in Texas has a profile of a heart surgeon ultra runner getting ready to tackle it. What caught my eye is that his training, while no joke, didn't seem outrageously difficult, leaving aside "the sandwich" of back-to-back long runs.
Mileage: He runs 7 to 10 miles a day. When the race nears, he adds two long weekend runs: 20 to 30 miles on Saturday, 20 on Sunday.
After his daily runs, Hudgens spends 45 minutes to an hour on a Stairmaster to strengthen his legs for the mountains.
Hudgens spends 45 minutes in a sauna, with the temperature hitting 150 degrees to prepare for the blistering heat.

4.75 miles, 35:16

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